Sunday, November 22, 2009

Resumption of sexual intercourse after pregnancy and childbirth

Long past the days when pregnancy impose a complete taboo on any sexual relationship between spouses and prospective parents. Now doctors are not only allowed but even recommended in the absence of abnormalities of pregnancy and fetal development, the future mother to have sex regularly and to get maximum enjoyment from it. It is believed that maintaining a high level of endorphins - happiness hormones - in the mother's blood as well as possible impacts on child development.

In the last weeks of pregnancy still need to exercise caution due to the fact that erotic caress and stormy orgasm can trigger the onset of labor activity. Turning to facilitate tribal clashes, the early opening of the cervix during labor, reduce pain during the first stage of labor, some obstetricians recommend delivery in joint husband do poluerotichesky maternity massage the breast and nipple.

When after the birth of a baby can return to a full sex life? The answer to this question is very individual and depends on whether the natural childbirth, postnatal trauma which left a pregnant woman, whether she is ready to resume relations psychologically.

Necessary to restore the hormonal balance, the hormones estrogen absent in the mother until the resumption of menstruation or until the cessation of lactation, which leads to vaginal dryness, which could interfere with sexual relations. If desired, this problem can be solved by applying a lubricant or emollient gel.

Vagina during childbirth was very stretched, mucous membranes could be injured. It is possible that mothers are the seams, as in the vagina and perineum. These sutures are not removed, they will dissolve itself after some time. Threads used for stitching the seam of episiotomy does not dissolve and will be removed in five to six days after birth. These joints often ache and may hamper during close up to complete their healing. It is recommended to wait for complete lack of negative feelings on the availability of seams, and to consult further with watching gynecologist.

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