Sunday, December 13, 2009

What tells a baby crying?

Crying baby - always cause for concern parents. No mother can not remain indifferent when pipsqueak crying. What is the reason? How to calm your baby?

The first time mom is often difficult to understand what happened, and why the baby began to whimper. Over time, listening to your baby, you will begin to distinguish the reasons for his tears.

For baby crying - this is virtually the only way to tell an adult, that something is wrong. In order to ascertain the causes of discontent, just be attentive to your child, and soon you will learn to understand a little angel.
Try to determine the nature of children's crying - he had a lot to explain.

1. The child was crying loudly and invitingly - in this case, the cause is more hunger or wet diaper, dirty diaper.

Solution: If the diaper or nappy is clean and dry, attach the baby to her breast - this you will meet their needs, not only in eating, drinking, and need to be close to mom.

In your hands pipsqueak feels safe and is usually enough to calm him down.

A breast-feeding on demand - the need for your newborn Chad, in addition, it will establish lactation.

Thus, in addition to crying, the child makes searching head movements, during which he fell silent.

As for wet diapers and dirty diapers, keep them in a child is unacceptable, because baby skin is very sensitive and quickly arise irritation and oprelosti.

2. Crying intermittently, eyes open, as if the child calls and listening to - checks to see if anyone nearby.

Kid experiencing a greater need for communication and your presence, do not refuse him in this.

3. The child is tense, crying after waking eyes may be closed - overexcitation, could not sleep. Often accompanied by yawning and closing his eyes.

You can take the baby in his arms, or lull him into bed: take the child by the hand or put his hand on his head, that he felt that you're next.

Talk to him a calm, soothing voice or sing a lullaby.

4. A child cries in his sleep - the phase of restless sleep, when the processed information.

5. Evening bouts of inexplicable crying - aged 2-10 weeks, changing the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness ( "crisis of growth").

6. Crying in pain - even continuing, with recurring outbreaks of the desperate cry that seemed to correspond to increased pain.
If a baby is tired, whines, capricious, and take him to handle, shake.

Most likely, he will soon calm down. If you feel uncomfortable - it's cold or hot - check how he dressed.

Dressing the child, oriented not only on their own feelings. Hiccups and cold to the touch skin can be a sign that your child is cold.

Touch the back of his hand and forearm tip: if they are cold, put on a baby warm or take cover with a blanket. If hot - pereodente crumbs into something lighter and give a drink of water.

Is important for the child calm mother because her mental attitude is passed the baby, and if Mom is nervous, irritable, family conflicts, it is not surprising that it affects the child.

Often children calm down when sucking a pacifier. It was believed that this has a negative influence on the formation of a correct bite.

Currently, there are pacifiers anatomical shape, which reduce this impact to a minimum. In addition, make sure that the size dummies match the child's age.

Changing the day may also adversely impact on the feelings of the child.

The main thing was that he had confused the day and night. In this case, you must patiently "torment" one day, not giving the baby to sleep for a long time, and then everything will fall into place.

In general, you can bring a great many reasons for dissatisfaction little tot: stress-tested at birth, inconvenience (whether tighten the diaper or folds on the sheet), the child was bored, he was scared, he does not want to part with adults (for example, when my mother leaves), in the older age of 1 year, the child sometimes uses crying as a means to an end.


1. The longer the baby cries, the harder you will comfort him. It is much easier to calm baby, who only began to whimper than sobbing loudly.

2. Try not to scream at the baby. Yes, my mother was tired, yes, can not suggest what else to do to reassure him.

Ask someone to replace you for a while. Leave the room, relax a little: it is possible, and the baby during this time to calm down.

3. If you suspect a pain measure the temperature of the baby, but at the same time make sure the chair of the child and for the number of wet diapers.
In connection with the imperfection of the nervous system, children can not specify the precise localization of pain.

Child may play up while teething. In addition to crying, can increase the temperature appearing and loose stools.

From the most simple tools used toy prorezyvateli: tight rubber rings with liquid inside. They cooled in the refrigerator and allow the child chew. Such massage gums reduces pain.

However prorezyvatelyami use special gel for gums - for example, "Kalgel" (contains a local anesthetic and antiseptic), etc.

At higher temperatures, you can use candles - for example, "Viburkol. Usually, all the symptoms persist, as soon as the surface of the tooth.

A separate question - "colicky" baby. They relate to the immaturity of the digestive system of a newborn, lack of enzyme activity, the instability of intestinal microflora, here is add the error in diet nursing mothers.

Food does not have time to be assimilated in the intestine and increased the number of generated gases.

When the baby's tummy concerned, he, besides crying, tells her mother about his behavior: suchit legs, pulls them to the stomach.

Stroke your baby tummy with his hand in a clockwise semicircle from left to right, avoiding the area of the projection of the bladder.

Turn your baby on his tummy, put on their knees, pat the crumbs on the back. Apply warm (proglazhennuyu hot iron) diaper.

Take his arms and leaned against her stomach (the child has a natural warmth, feels that his mother was nearby and it calms him).

You can use dill water. Of the drugs - "Planteks" (plant-based product containing an extract of the fruits of fennel), "Sab Simplex" (reduces gas formation in the intestines).

Before using drugs and if the cramps recur, consult a physician. By 3-4 months is usually abdominal pain are much less and will soon pass.

When feeding make sure your baby is not swallowed air. Correctly took the chest, covering not only the nipple, and areola. If you are breast-feeding from a bottle, it is necessary that the mixture filled the nipple completely.

And do not forget to hold your baby after feeding in an upright position for a few minutes, went to the air, caught in the stomach for feeding.

Newborn babies Meteosensitive, so that the crying may be a reaction to changing weather.

But children born with the diagnosis of perinatal encephalopathy, are very sensitive to weather changes, and, moreover, suffer from a headache (so-called "grudnichkovaya migraines) resulting from increased intracranial pressure, nervous system, increased excitability, abnormalities of development, physiological phenomena of adaptation period.

If you are going to use drugs, you should consult with their pediatrician, because any medicine always contraindications and every child brings them differently.

Appeal to the doctor sure if crying lasts for a long time (more than an hour), accompanied by a rise in temperature, vomiting or disorder chair, as the cause in this case can be infectious diseases.

So, as we discovered, in most cases, the baby is easy to help - just need to pick him up, attach to the chest, rocking, quietly talk to him or sing a lullaby (exceptions are cases when a child is sick).

Do not be afraid that, taking his treasure once again on hand, you do izbaluete. According to child psychologists, to spoil a baby before the year is impossible.

Just think, a pipsqueak soon grow, start exploring the world independently. So enjoy the best moments we spent together.
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